This post has been too long coming. I blame it on the Boop. I love to capture frozen comic frames to tumble on my kaleidocycle, but doing it to the Boop? Well if it`s so easy, you do it.
Not to be stingy, but I feel a little sheepish about posting captured comic frames. I made a couple of test efforts, but I was never satisfied with how much of the 6 min 23 second cartoon I left out. So I`ll let the Boop speak for herself.
Foldplay`s kaleidocycle maker is one of my new favorite toys. Even without Foldplay I was putting pictures onto kaleidocycles, but it took me an hour or more to remember how to crop and stretch my image chunks to get it to work right. One of my home spun efforts (stretched a triangle at-a time in Photo-Shop) appears below. It is the first Buffalo Mao kaleidocycle. It works as well as the one I made with the kaleidocycle maker @ foldplay, but theirs is easier to load, fold, and assemble.

Guilala A.K.A.: Gilala, Girara, and Monster X is an alien kaiju from outer space.
Hey, I tried to wait. I sent a copy of episode 47 of Buffalo Mao to The American Mathematical Society, and a block (they`ll have to use the book to figure out which one). Anyway it`s been weeks now. As far I can determine their arithmetic block department is really busy. According to the USPS (item was delivered at 10:11 on the 9th of April, 2010 in Providence RI 02904). Whatever, it`s probably perfect, after all I am a yenius.

Excellent, this place was amazing. I loaded four pictures into the device at foldplay and clicked make kaleidocycle. The kaleidocycle was ready in less than a minute. I printed the result, scored the lines as instructed, and cut it out. The foldplay device auto cropped the second Buffalo Mao kaleidocycle well enough that, after I assembled and checked it, I didn`t change anything.
Well I suppose the afore mentioned "Banned Dental Boop" should be included as well. With the challenges involved in captures from YouTube, my selections from the cartoon were somewhat limited. Still, the crisp black and white images made a pretty cool kaleidocycle. Banned huh, maybe they felt Boop was havin too much fun with the gas.

Well this sucks a little, I came back to this post to print some of the kaleidocycles above and the only images I could get loose from it were way too small to print right. I resized and when I made them original size again they blew up, but now if you open them in another tab they print with the right detail. What ever, they aren`t much to look ya fold em up anyway. I`ll keep an eye on em.
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